Adjust your sails for a new path forward.
Everything can change, including you.
Biblical Counseling with Fresh Future acknowledges human complexity. Our experiences affect us and our bodies influence our emotions and thoughts. The Bible doesn’t ignore the social, physiological, and spiritual influences in our lives. Rightly understanding the image of God means we’re not afraid of the beautifully complex way God has designed us. Biblical counseling recognizes there’s a spiritual component to every part of our lives and gives us the tools to dig deeper during periods of suffering than any other form of traditional counseling.
Kayla holds nearly 20 years of counseling experience in crisis situations, including anxiety, depression, and overcoming dysfunctional coping mechanisms.
Biblical counseling is practical and effective. It does not view people as simply spiritual beings with spiritual problems. Instead the biblical counselor sees the individual as a physical, emotional, cognitive, and relational being. One focus of biblical counseling is to help others develop a biblical worldview of their life and recognize the core truth that guides right thinking and actions. The goal of biblical counseling is spiritual maturity.
Biblical counseling values the rule of the local church in the process of one’s change of heart. Heart change brings about life change, but this occurs most effectively in an authentic Christian community, the local church.
This process is filled with grace and is ultimately redemptive. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation for the work of biblical counseling.
Biblical counseling seeks to identify what God’s Word says about every situation, desire, habit, response, and emotion. In doing so, there is great hope for real, lasting change as your life is conformed to what God says about you.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
- Romans 15:13
Every 50-minute counseling session includes principles applied from the word of God, if and when the client prefers that to be a part of the guidance given. Kayla respects the diverse multitude of religious beliefs and mindsets each client chooses for their lives, and accommodates accordingly.
Principles for Counseling
Respect for Client’s Autonomy
Strong Listening Skills
Trust and Rapport
Professional Boundaries
Empathy and Understanding
Cultural Sensitivty
Collaborative Approach
Non-judgmental Counseling
Our Clients
Women of all ages battling with anxiety or depression.
Young couples experiencing relationship problems without resolution.
Women of all ages experiencing intrusive and harmful thoughts.
New mothers dealing with feelings of hopelessness.
5 Reasons Why You Should Work with a Biblical/Pastoral Counselor
Maybe you have a habit or thought pattern that you want to change, like anxiety, anger, binge eating, or obsessions. Maybe you have thoughts that scare you and you want to give up on life. Maybe you have feelings that confuse you, like anger, guilt, or shame. Kayla can help you learn new ways of coping that are good for you and not hurtful.
You might feel sad, anxious, angry, or numb most of the time. You might have trouble sleeping, eating, or concentrating. You might cry a lot, lash out at people, or isolate yourself. These are signs that your emotions are affecting your health and well-being. Kayla can help you learn how to regulate your emotions and express them in healthier ways.
You might feel happy one minute and depressed the next. You might feel hyper one day and exhausted the next. You might feel confident one moment and insecure and at a loss the next. Up and down cycles are exhausting. Kayla offers grounding techniques and ways to self soothe. She can also teach ways to accept yourself and love yourself and see your worth.
Sometimes, we think we can handle everything by ourselves. We read self-help books, watch YouTube, or follow advice from friends and family. Sometimes watching TikTok all day long causes more depressed feelings. You may need more help and guidance from a neutral party who has solid values and can help you be more stable.
Sometimes, we don’t realize how much our problems affect us and others around us. We might think we’re fine, but our friends or family might notice that we’re not. They might see changes in our behavior, mood, or appearance that worry them.